I made this bunch of 18mm handmade glass lentil pendants as samples for a project and didn't go through with it, so now I can offer them for sale.
I made each bead with a sandy bottom and a transparent top and added fine silver around the join. Half the pendants are etched for a frosty finish and half are shiny.
Unusually I made the samples with silver plated chains and findings. If you're happy with that, the price is £25. Or you can upgrade to my usual handmade silver findings (that's the pin through the bead, the little spacer beads and the ring bail) with or without a sterling silver Belcher chain, finished with my designer tag. The price is £35 for the silver version without a chain and £45 with a chain.
In the second photo the frosted bead on the left is on silver plated findings and chain, the one on the right is on sterling silver.
If you'd like a gift box you need to add one here, otherwise the pendant will be sent to you on a card as shown.
Edit: I had intended to only sell the pendants that I had already made but they've been so popular I'm now making them to order. Please allow me up to 4 days to make your pendant. And just in case you're wondering, pale blue and teal are the most popular!